Nicolai Levashov



Feodor Shkrudnev


Feodor Shkrudnev is a person who will not give the opportunity to plunge into the swamp of familiar stereotypes...

When reading, everything in this book brings the Brain into a state of continuous hard work ... Everything seems to be “wrong” in this book, and yet you will find unique Knowledge that was not publicly available - until now…

This book is a continuation of the unfinished Nicolai Levashov’s book “The Mirror of My Soul”.


Svetlana Levashov


Svetlana Levashov, Nicolai's wife and comrade-in-arms, was known in the United States as Lana (or “Flying Woman” for her ability to teleport). In the Russian language "Svet" means "Light", and the name “Svetlana” means “Bearing Light”.

From a very young age she had to adapt to the fact that she was different, and that she could do many things no one else could do or even comprehend. Early in her life she experienced the bitterness of misunderstanding and mistrust, envy and cruelty, loneliness and hatred.

It all changed for the better after she met, and later married Nicolai Levashov. Together they lived and worked on freeing Humanity from Evil and slavery. They have succeeded - the Earth is now being restored, and the Golden Age is coming.

The Source of Life


The Source of Life is a psi-field Generator, also referred to as a Dark Matter generator that was invented and created by the Russian scientist Nicolai Levashov and placed at his estate in France in 2003. In a specified area of the estate's park, the Generator delivered excellent health, accelerated growth and increased productivity of plants and fish in a pond year-round. Following a specially created program, the Generator makes the soil composition optimal for each individual plant and offers the possibility of increasing yields without soil depletion and destruction of Nature as there is no need for any chemical fertilizers, constant watering, or poisonous pesticides…