Healing autism with SvetL (SLN) Technology


When our first son was born, in 2006, we were no different from many other young parents, and we faithfully went to all our myriad doctors’ appointments. We believed in the altruism and wisdom of the medical system, and followed the advice and prescriptions given to us by these professionals without question.


Of course, at the time we believed that we were thinking and using our brains, and we were, to the minimum extent required for our day-to-day existence, but no more than that. Our pediatrician flattered us with what a pleasure it was to work with us, and oh, what “smart” parents we were! Who knows? Maybe he didn’t have much to compare us with, or maybe that’s just what he said to everyone. In any case, that isn’t really important.

Our beautiful blue-eyed little peanut grew like a weed. He doubled his weight in the first three months, and was developing in the 90 - 100th percentile, according to the metrics used by the medical profession. When he was around two years old, on one of our regular visits to the pediatrician, we informed him that now that our son was old enough, we were planning a trip to Russia to visit our relatives. We were congratulated and flattered, as usual, and then given the serious admonition that from the point of view of a respectable citizen of North America, Russia is to be considered a third-world country, where dangerous diseases run rampant, and “the very best thing” that we could do for our precious child was to give him a double dose of vaccinations prior to our trip, specifically, the MMR Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine.

What was there to think about? Of course we wanted to give our child the best possible protection from the diseases we might encounter in that dangerous and undeveloped land! We had no doubts, and how could we have, indoctrinated as we were at that time to believe anything told to us by the medical profession? At that time, we didn’t know any of the research pointing to the dangers of vaccines, or about so many other things. It’s hard to believe now, that it was possible for us to live that way - not knowing and not thinking.

Our son bore the vaccines stoically, though he had a rash, as well as a fever as a result. Months passed, and we continued our thoughtless existence, mindlessly following our predetermined life direction. Until one fine day, like thunder out of a clear blue sky, we received a note from the preschool that something about our child was different from the others. In all honesty, we had already started to notice that something was off, but had been choosing to ignore and deny, sticking our heads in the sand.


So, what exactly was wrong with our son? From family photographs and our own memories, we could clearly see that until around the age of two, he made sharp eye contact, answered to his name, and had begun to talk. After two, there is not a single photo where he is looking straight at the camera. He lost the ability to focus his gaze, always looking sideways. He had also developed an extreme desire for bread products (gluten), a disproportionate fascination with sensory and tactile objects (water, sand, feathers, pebbles, etc), spinning objects, obsessive lining up of toys in rows, frequent extreme tantrums and hysterics, and a general increase in irritability. Additionally, he often disconnected from the surrounding world, escaping into sensory experience, or the seeming narcotic effects of gluten containing products. (Looking back on those times with the knowledge we have since gained from studying the work of Nicolai Levashov, it seemed that his essence - soul or spirit - could not tolerate existence in his poisoned and toxic body…)

Our pediatrician reacted strangely when we first told him of our son’s symptoms, and the note from his preschool. Suddenly, the flattering and friendly mask fell, and left in its place was a frightened old man, who immediately insisted that these symptoms had nothing to do with vaccines. We found this sudden denial a bit strange, since we had not asked about the vaccines and made no accusations. After further questioning, we learned that he was sure our son had autism, the incidences of which had risen geometrically over recent years. We were told the official story that autism was caused by a genetic condition.

Thus began a dark time in our lives, full of extreme stress, depression, and a slow and painful awakening to very unpleasant realities.

There were never-ending visits to doctors and specialists, all without results. No one could help or tell us anything. It turned out that they really didn’t know what autism is, or how to treat it. As we learned, autism is simply a label that connects a wide range of symptoms and pathologies under one umbrella, with no unifying underlying cause that medical professionals can identify.


In our desperation, we tried a slew of treatments, from homeopathy, to speech therapy, and more, and finally ended up in IBI (Intensive Behavioral Intervention) therapy, which turns out to be not much different from animal training. In IBI therapy, autistic children are taught how to carry out basic human functions - greetings, table manners, brushing teeth, etc - through endless repetitions of the same scenario. This technique is very effective, in teaching an autistic child to act normal in everyday situations, to create the illusion of a normal life, but that is all. It does nothing to actually heal autism, which is what we were after. And of course, the training was utter hell for our son, not to mention incredibly expensive.

At the same time that we searched vainly for a cure, we were learning all we could. At a certain moment it became clear to us that the actual cause of autism is the buildup of toxins in the neurons of the brain and spinal cord, caused by the concentration in those areas of thimerosal, the mercury-based preservative found in vaccines. Of course, it is possible that there were also other sources of toxins, but the important factor was that we had to find a method of detoxifying our child’s body, removing the buildup of toxins, and restoring normal function of his neural tissues.


One interesting thing to note is the prevalence of digestive disorders in children with autism. Our son, for example, could not digest gluten. Strangely enough, that was the reason for his intense cravings. Because his gut was lacking in the proper digestive enzymes to process the gluten, it built up as a toxin in his gut, and had a drug-like effect!

Over and over we observed - give him a piece of bread, and he would be absolutely blissful for 15-30 minutes, after which time he demanded more. If we refused, he would complain and even throw a tantrum. And when he did receive more, he immediately calmed down, and withdrew into himself to the point of completely retreating from the outside world, and until the effect of the gluten wore off, he was totally impossible to communicate with. As we learned later, in the study of chakras, the yellow chakra controls the gut, and also communication with the outside world. Interesting how it all works out - autism is the disruption of connection with the outside world, and one of its manifestations is disorders of the gut. In treating autism, healing of the intestines is just as important as detoxifying the neural pathways.


The turning point finally came for us when we were fortunate enough to connect with Mikhail Dekhta, a long-time friend and associate of Nicolai Levashov, who taught him many things, including the Levashov’ Method of healing. He agreed to work with us, and began his long-distance healing sessions over the phone.

We noticed the effects of his healing the very next day after our first session! Our son was different from the moment he awoke in the morning. He had more energy and was in a better mood than he had been for the past few months. After that, we had four half-hour sessions a week, and in between our son drank water specially structured for him with a healing program. Although we had very much wanted a miracle, that is not what happened. Instead, there was a slow and gradual improvement, as tantrums and bad moods became less and less common. The effects of a healing session lasted about three days, after which our son’s condition would take a turn for the worse, and his behavior would suffer, so we tried not to skip any sessions. Of course, we experienced all the joys of healing and detoxification - runny nose, diarrhea, skin rashes, and other well-known symptoms of cleansing the body.

Here are the differences we noted in our son after one year of remote healing treatment:

  • Improvement in mood and energy.

  • Better speech and self-control.

  • Increased interest in the surrounding world.

  • The IBI therapists were surprised at his sudden improvement in all activities

  • Kindergarten teachers were surprised when he started learning and getting involved with the other kids, for example fighting and defending himself, whereas previously he allowed himself to be bullied.

  • We were able to go out in public with him, and explore our city, including public transportation, which had been impossible previously due to his behavior.

  • After many previous attempts at potty training, he suddenly started using the potty.

  • He became less picky about food, and became more willing to try new things.

  • Improved listening, responding to requests, and eye contact (the IBI therapists had long been working on this, but significant improvement only occurred working with Mikhail).

  • Improved language skills in both English and Russian, and the ability to translate from one to the other.

  • Hypersensitivity to synthetic materials improved.

  • Tantrums almost disappeared, whereas previously, they happened multiple times a day.

We continued our regular healing sessions with Mikhail for the next two years, with brief breaks. There were many other improvements, as well as occasional setbacks, as can be expected, but over time the amplitude of the pendulum swings lessened, and overall, our son’s baseline level of existence shifted farther and farther in the direction of improvement.

After about two years of treatment, Mikhail observed that the energetic bottleneck that had been limiting the amount of healing effects that our son could accept was gone, and he was now absorbing the healing like a sponge. And after another six months, Mikhail let us know that the healing was over, and that the positive changes were anchored on the subtle planes, and would soon manifest in our son’s physical body.

In December of 2012, the flu season was particularly rough, and despite his excellent health, our son got very sick, and then so did his parents. Not long after that, SvetL technology had entered our lives. Even though we had not expected it to come to us, when the opportunity arose, we gratefully accepted it.

It is worth mentioning how we came to acquire the SvetL device. You see, at the beginning of 2010, before anyone had heard of SvetL technology, we had written to Nicolai Levashov, asking for his advice about our son. We never heard back, but had the impression that we would receive an answer in another way, and did not press the issue. And then, in the end of 2012, completely by accident, we connected with Feodor Shkrudnev through some acquaintances. When he found out about our unanswered question, he immediately said, “I have a responsibility to you - to your son.” We didn’t ask what he meant about responsibility, just bought the SvetL device and began using it.

Despite the price, we found that the SvetL device paid for itself rather quickly, when taking into account the costs of the other treatments we had been receiving. One cannot put a price on one’s health. After all, without it, what is the point of a nice house, car, or anything else? We know that people complain about the price of SvetL device being high, but to us, it is low, when we consider the benefit we receive from it.

Immediately after activating the device, we had a strange and unfamiliar feeling. The closest I can come to describing it is nerves before a final exam. Then there was a sense of being scanned and examined, which lasted for several days and then went away. Later, we learned from reading the testimonials of other users that these are common and normal reactions to the functioning of the apparatus. It turns out the device works on all members of the family, and sometimes seems to affect others, such as neighbors. Our nearby neighbors who are heavy drinkers are moving out. Interesting to see who will be moving in. There are other anomalous societal effects, but that’s another story.

The first change we noticed, which was evident in every member of the family, was an improved mood and positive state of mind, which was stable and resilient, even in the most stressful situations. This was especially pronounced in our son, who had lost some of his emotional fortitude after we ended our healing sessions with Mikhail, and after getting the flu.

Here are the changes we noticed in the first two weeks of using the SvetL device:

  • The emotional fortitude of our son. His tantrums completely disappeared, and he no longer reacts to the emotional outbursts of others. If someone yells at him, which would have upset and made him cry before, he will listen quietly, and then calmly tell them that he doesn’t like to be spoken to that way. Additionally, at the IBI treatment center, where they were preparing him for the first grade, he was surrounded by other autistic children and children with Down’s syndrome and other conditions. These children often have outbursts, tantrums, melt-downs, and so on. Even adults have trouble maintaining equanimity in such an environment, but soon after we began using the SvetL technology, our son could calmly sit and have his snack while the child next to him was having a melt-down. Not only that, but he became more patient and caring of the younger children.

  • His verbal skills improved, including pronunciation, vocabulary, and comprehension.

  • His concentration and ability to reason also improved, and he became able to focus on a single subject much longer. From around 10 minutes, he could focus on a task for 30 minutes or even longer.

  • Logical and analytical skills began developing.

  • His digestive system has been healed. He can now eat wheat products without any ill effects.

There are so many other ways in which our son has improved. For example, we no longer have to fight with him over the iPad, and take it away from him over screaming and protestations. Instead, it’s now enough simply to tell him that’s enough for now and it’s time to put it away, and he calmly does so without resistance. We don’t have to hide it from him until the evening when he can play with it again, but can leave it in plain sight, and he doesn’t try to grab it until 7 o’clock, when he’s allowed to play with it. And it’s fascinating how he downloads his own games, not caring whether they’re in English or Russian, and once we even found him playing a shooting game in Chinese, with only Chinese characters for explanation, and yet he had figured it out, and was playing it with great pleasure. My husband, who works with computers is a dinosaur compared with the intuitive ease our son has with technology.

Changes after three months of using the SvetL device.

  • Even as the IBI instructors continued to struggle to teach our son English, he figured out thelogical progression of word and sentence building in Russian, and his Russian greatly improved.

  • The biggest and most important change is we have finally begun having a two-sided dialogue! Our son has begun asking us questions about everything, with endless how’s and why’s. To be frank, we were worried we would never reach this milestone. Mikhail Dekhta told us it would come, but we had a hard time believing.

  • He has become much more gentle and loving, and is constantly hugging and kissing us, and even his instructors and teachers! He’s also become more mischievous, getting in trouble more often at school. By the way, in school, he is surrounded by great teachers who resonate with him and care for him, and he for them.

  • The IBI instructors told us that the boy who was working in a pair with our son had also begun to make sudden improvements, and that they had formed quite a close friendship. Of course, when we told them that we had begun using a bio-energetic device, and credited the SvetL technology for the change, they came up with their own “logical” explanation for the other boy’s sudden improvement, and no longer tell us about him or his progress.

  • The instructors and teachers at the IBI center have proudly informed us that our son has begun reading books out loud to the other kids in the group. In fact, he has started reading voraciously, anything he can get his hands on, and can count 0 - 100, forward and backward, in English and Russian, and freely switches from one to the other. We must credit the IBI teachers, as they are the ones who taught him to read, and for now he only reads in English. We are getting ready to start teaching him the Russian alphabet.

  • There was an interesting episode when he suddenly refused to eat for several days. As Mikhail explained it to us, he was undergoing a systemic change, or “upgrade.” We allowed it to run its course, and after a few days his appetite returned, and he experienced a “leveling-up” of cognitive abilities, much to the pleasure of his parents.

Of course, everything didn’t always go smoothly. We had our run-ins with the usual symptoms of detoxification, such as rashes and diarrhea. But every time we were able to set the SvetL device’ programs to work on the associated organ system, and the symptoms cleared up within a day. We have also used the SvetL device for pain relief, healing of sprains, colds and other day-to-day events.

Feodor Shkrudnev admitted that it was a major oversight not to include autism as one of the settings for a healing program on the SvetL device, so he gave us specific instructions on which organ systems to activate in order to treat it. We are so very grateful to him for all he has done for us.


As I close this humble testimonial on our experiences using SvetL technology, I want to express our gratitude first of all to its creator Nicolai Levashov, to his close friend Mikhail Dekhta, without whom things could have turned out very different for our son, and to Nicolai’s faithful collaborator Feodor Shkrudnev, whom we met at just the right time, also to Elena Bittner, who gave us priceless advice on the gluten-free diet, and of course, to the whole SvetL technology team, who work so tirelessly for the good of humanity.


I want to say a few words of caution to impressionable readers searching for a miracle. Spontaneous cures are extremely rare. It took us three long years, and help from many dedicated, educated, and passionate people to get to where we are today.

And it is very important to note that our son had a rather mild form of autism and that we started working to help him very early, when his brain was still developing. If we had waited longer, until he was older, the developmental window may have closed, and we would not have been able to accomplish the same level of success.

But even if your child is older, and that developmental window has closed, SvetL technology can still help your child and your family, by ridding the organism of toxins, and eliminating the behavioral issues that stem from them, so that you can say goodbye to the tantrums, the melt-downs, and the outbursts that have become such a ubiquitous part of your life.

Olga Zharkova


Alex Probb