Miraculous Healing with the help of the Levashov Technology device called the Complex “SvetL”


When I was 18 years old, as the result of an accident, I had a very severe break in my femur. Initially a metal pin was inserted in the bone to hold it in place while it knitted together, but after six months the break still did not want to heal. As a result, another surgery was performed, and my leg was placed in an "Ilizarov Apparatus" for 6+months. 

The bone, compressed by the apparatus, finally knitted together, but after the compression in the apparatus for 6 months, the bone needed to be stretched out for another 6 months in order to achieve its original length. Unfortunately, the physicians removed the Apparatus after 6 months. The outcome was that after this three-year ordeal, at the young age of 21, I truly understood what it means to be in pain.  

Because of the incorrect way the bone healed, the injured leg was 2-3 centimeters (approx. 1 inch) shorter, which resulted in excruciating back pain. Periodically, it got much worse, and I would experience spasms, and be twisted in agony, and could not put socks on unassisted for two weeks at a time. I visited chiropractors, and tried various ointments, massages with snake and bee venom, and other procedures, which only temporarily alleviated the pain. 

In addition to the severe back pain, I was also miserable with sciatic nerve pain, especially sitting or lying down. The different lengths of my legs resulted in overexertion of the muscles and tendons of the lumbar region, which caused the sciatic nerve to pinch. My body did its best to compensate for the trauma, but doctors gave me disappointing predictions for the future. Their suggested solution was to perform another surgery to break the femur again, and then once more put on the Ilizarov Apparatus for another year or more, which all together would amount to another two years of my life, with no guarantee of success. I was not willing to lay in bed for two more years, and so my life continued with chronic pain. 

Fast forward to 2014, when I began treatments with Richard and Rebecca Blasband, who had been students and one-time followers of Nicolai Levashov. Rather, they began treating my 4 year-old son, and Richard convinced me that it was practical to treat mother and child together (not for free, of course). At the time I was not educated in these processes, and took his word for it.  

In the process of these healing treatments, I told Richard of unusual pain that I had begun having on the right side, in the area of my liver. The pain would begin around 4am. and increase in intensity. All my organs were checked out, and everything was normal. The chiropractor was helping me with stretching and massage, but the pain continued, more and more often, becoming unbearable. Richard and Rebecca "scanned" me, and gave a prognosis similar to that given my by surgeons decades before. They said that they would have to work on me every day for a minimum of two years, and for the duration I would have to wear a medical corset and stay bedridden.

Here I want to copy the words of Nicolai Levashov and Feodor Shkrudnev, in regard to "scanning": 

“In order to properly scan someone or something, it is necessary to achieve maximum concentration on the object, and block out everything else. Then, and only then, is it possible to receive reliable information about the scanned object. Any emotion, even the most wonderful, distracts the healer from their state of concentration, and a great volume of information is lost.” 

“If the healer is not able to collect all the necessary information from the very start of the illness or trauma, then their conclusion and choice of the method of treatment will be incorrect. Only with the maximum information is it possible to correct pathological irregularities properly. The Levashov Technology called the Complex “SvetL” is not subject to emotional turbulence, therefore the accuracy of the scanning and the choice of strategy and tactics in healing will be the most precise. This lessens the time needed to heal, compared to the healing received from a human healer.” 

The Blasbands attempted to correct the consequences of my trauma, but unfortunately, they were unable to do it. In fact, they made things much worse. My body was twisted with pain, which was becoming unbearable, with partial paralysis in the right shoulder and arm. I was unable to lie down in bed, and could only sit, crying in agony. The Blasbands informed me that this condition was probably caused by their attempts to heal me. They said they created an "energetic corset" for me, so that I could sleep and move my arm. Later they said that they would not be able to help me at all because it would be an "overwhelming" task for them. This alone speaks for their abilities and human qualities! 

A few months before this incident with the Blasbands, I had acquired the Levachov Technology Complex “SvetL” for my husband. When the Blasbands learned about it, they insisted that if I were to get one for myself, it would overload my system, and lead to a worsening of my condition. I very well understood that they felt threatened by the Levashov Technology because of its potential to provide an alternative to their treatments.  Without any further ado, I decided to go ahead and acquire a Complex “SvetL” for myself. I didn't inform the Blasbands about this device, partially because of their earlier admonishments, but mostly because of what I read in the book titled  “The Mirror of My Soul” by Nicolai Lavashov: 

“There were a lot of miscellaneous healers in America (as well as in the USSR) who, at very best, were engaged in psychotherapy, not in healing, gathering from their clientele an abnormal, for an average American, amount of money for their services.

Usually, they used different meditation techniques as healing "tools" or, at best, they pumped the client with vital force, which in most cases did not belong to the "healer!" On getting a dose of energy during this kind of healing session, a person feels better for some time and that is just what the "healer" aimed for: a satisfied client—there is nothing else to be desired! The fact that this is not a treatment, and the problem or problems remain did not bother anyone! The most "important" thing here is to make a person feel better and how this effect is achieved (whether it be psychotherapy or temporary pumping with vital force without any "patching of holes") worries neither "healer" nor patient, no matter how paradoxical it may sound!” 

About a month after activating my Levashov Technology device named Complex “SvetL”, Rebecca Blasband suddenly informed me that she noticed an acceleration in my spiritual development. I immediately knew the reason for this change! After three years of working with the Blasbands, with no noticeable changes in my development, one short month with the Levashov Technology had produced immediate results! I felt such heartfelt and overwhelming joy that I kissed and thanked my device, as well as his creators Nicolai Levashov and Feodor Shkrudnev, and the whole Russian Scientific Technology Society team.  

And now I am going to tell you the most sensational news. Are you ready? After only six months of using the Levashov Technology device Complex “SvetL”, the debilitating pain in my back that I had been living with for most of my life, (and that no one, including the self-proclaimed "students" of Nicolai Levashov Rebecca and Richard Blasband had been able to heal), became far less intense and not as frequent. But that's not all! Over the next six months, I was able to happily work in the garden, which everyone knows is a physically demanding activity. My back became more flexible, the muscles relaxed, the knots "untied," gradually, without my noticing, until one day I just stopped feeling them. I slept through the night without being awakened by pain.  

After the first year with this wonderful device, the Complex “SvetL”, my trips to the chiropractor became less and less frequent. Through the Complex, Feodor Shkrudnev helped my brain to bring my organs into normal balance. And more importantly, I began to notice changes in how and what I think, say, and write.  

And so, after two years with the device, the pain in my back has almost completely ceased. Occasionally there is short-lived lumbar pain, as well as between the shoulder blades. Just last week there was a flare-up, so I mentally “talked” to my “SvetL” device, and over the course of a couple days, the pain gradually subsided. I didn’t even go to the chiropractor that time, for the first time in many years. (Feodor Shkrudnev told me several months ago that soon I would no longer need to see the chiropractor, but I was skeptical at the time. Not anymore! He is an amazing human being and I am incredibly lucky to have met him.)   

I am writing this article so that you, dear readers, will read the books of Nicolai Levashov and Feodor Shkrudnev, and also discover for yourselves this amazing “SvetL” Technology. The miracles are just beginning! 

Wishing you all healing, wellness, and spiritual development with the Levashov Technology device called the Complex “SvetL”. 

Rene Allen

April 2018

Alex Probb