Birch Trees: Natural Remedy in Your Backyard

If you have access to birch trees, take advantage of their healing properties by using the techniques outlined in this article.


In every form, birch makes an excellent tonic and detoxifier, mainly working on the urinary system to remove waste products, and treat conditions such as kidney or bladder stones and gravel, gout, and rheumatism. It reduces fluid retention and swelling, and clears up many skin problems. Birch is regarded as safe medicinally and no side effects have been reported.

The fresh leaves or buds of birch offer a powerful but pleasant tea for general detoxing, urinary complaints, cystitis, rheumatic and arthritic troubles, and gout. Any condition of fluid retention, such as cardiac or renal edema and dropsy, will be helped by the tea. Birch is rich in potassium, so that (like dandelion) it does not deplete the body of this mineral in the way that medical diuretics do.

Being such a good eliminator, birch tea is also effective as a compress applied directly to the skin for herpes, eczema, and the like. Birch tea also has a great deal of health benefits.

 Here is my recipe.  

Locate a healthy birch tree, preferably not too close to the road. Take a gallon-size jar, and fill it up with birch leaves not too tightly, but not loosely either.

Warm up about twelve cups of water without bringing it to a boil. When bubbles appear, the water is ready. Pour hot water into the jar with the leaves, and put it in a dark place. The birch leaf tea will become your medicine, your “liquid pill.” Leave there overnight.

The next morning, filter out the infusion, and then store the liquid in the refrigerator in a glass or crystal container.

But wait, don’t throw out the leaves just yet! I advise that you put the leaves in a large bowl, pour warm water over leaves and soak your feet for 30 minutes. After that throw away the leaves and the water you soaked your feet in.

For the first month, drink at least 150 grams (5 to 6 oz.) of a birch leaf tea  twice a day: in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening, waiting at least one hour after eating. After the first  month, drink one glass of birch leaf tea in the evening as directed above. You may be making extra trips to the toilet, but this is the “elimination process,” so it is normal.  

Do not use up all tea and do not empty the container! When there is just about 2 or 3 cups of birch leaf tea left in the refrigerated container, brew the next portion of leaves the same way as described above, and after it sits overnight, then the next day add this infusion into the same refrigerated container (jar), where you have the original tea leftover. For best results, use this birch leaf tea throughout the whole summer!


1. For those who have «SvetL» Technologies in any form (Bracelet, Pendant, or Complex) – pour 2/3 of the infusion of leaves into a glass and add 1/3 of the water structured by your «SvetL» Technologies. 

2. For those who use Mumijo-VVV-369: you can use both – VVV-369 and birch leaf tea at the same time. These two improve and strengthen your health better together.

Continue using birch leaf tea without a break. Use it during breaks between Mumijo VVV-369 courses.

Enjoy improved health!


Feodor Shkrudnev

May 16, 2020

Alex Probb