The Brain controls everything in the body!


At birth, every human biological object on Earth gets its own individual Life Support system created for 124 years of Brain functioning. When the Brain loses its connection with organs (for instance, the pericardium system), then the Brain stops the heart. However, only those who can learn how to use the SvetL Technology in this direction, can achieve that predetermined threshold of 124 years. 

From the Orthodox science standpoint of steadfast vulgar materialism, our planet has "accidentally originated from a protoplanetary cloud as a result of the Big Bang," then a living cell was formed from the remnants of dust through chemical reactions. That living cell then evolved by itself into a monkey with a stick, in which, suddenly, a brain was formed from the same dust, and some biologists believe that the spinal cord was formed first!  

And modern scientists are still energetically “refining” such a level of knowledge based on Darwin's Theory of Evolution. 

For instance, MacLean’s Triune Brain Model (Paul D. MacLean, an American neurophysiologist) states that the human brain consists of three distinct structures:

- the brain stem (central part) is the ancient brain of reptiles

- “residing” on it is the midbrain, or limbic system (mammalian brain)

- and finally, on top of it, the very own brain of a Human (or rather higher primates, since not only humans have it, but also apes, like chimpanzees) - the Cerebral Cortex.


So, according to that theory, WE ALL are RELATIVES on Earth, and when you come to see such doctors, it would be wise to clarify first whom exactly they are going to treat – a crocodile, a horse, or a Human.

And all of that would be OK, people could confidently continue to believe that a person thinks with a brain located under a bone helmet, that the material basis of intelligence is the cortex of the brain with its billions of nerve cells interconnected through contact areas - synapses, that the cerebellum is responsible for movements coordination and muscle tone regulation, etc. If it weren’t for problems with many uncomfortable questions. For example, how do people continue to live with a partial or even COMPLETE ABSENCE of the BRAIN under the cranial “helmet”? Or why people spontaneously combust with no obvious reason? Is the brain “to blame”, because being "the manager and distributor of all the activities of the body", it "keeps under its control all the phenomena occurring in the body"? (Ivan Pavlov)


A famous mathematician, physicist and philosopher Kurt Friedrich Godel, along with other scientific problems to be solved, conducted research on the essence of the Mind, and at the end of his practical activity (early 1980s) came to a rather interesting conclusion, which to the materialists’ surprise, was generally recognized in the scientific society, namely: "Mind is something beyond the brain."

We must fully agree with this final and deeply fair conclusion. But the true essence of what has been said has remained a mystery and an UNSOLVED PROBLEM until this day, and not only for materialists.

Instead of the erroneous traditional idea of the brain, a different point of view has been available for study and Cognition for more than a decade, explaining many of the "oddities" of brain functioning and justifying the feasibility of using "SvetL" Programs that directly interact with the User's Brain for its Development, and physical healing and wellness as a result!

The brain does not exist in the way we perceive it. We can't study the brain under a microscope, cut it with a scalpel. We DON'T EVEN KNOW what the brain is. The brain is the result of millions of years of work on the formation of biostructure (in our case - human). And of course, the brain can't be formed from dust by chemical reactions. The brain is a simultaneously connected state of three spaces - neutrino (the highest), antineutron, and proton (or ion). At the same time, the "dark matter" Generator used today in "SvetL" Technologies was created by Nikolai Levashov SPECIFICALLY based on THIS PRINCIPLE.

Proton space is endowed with the properties of its own control and perception of the environment, that is, the perception of space-time, in simplified terms, through vision, hearing, touch, smell, and so on. But this is the lowest level of perception, up to 32-nd octave, which is accepted as the standard by science. All modern medicine also works in proton space.

And THERE ARE NO WAYS to control (or transition) from a lower proton space to another space. When you try to change the state of a living cell, for example, to insert a scalpel into, or apply chemotherapy to the ion part of the cell, a simple disconnection of the control system from the Brain occurs, and the living cell exists only as long as the potential of the magnetic pulse of the cell itself allows.

After all, it is no longer a secret that modern medicine works only with non-living structures. However, experiments are conducted exclusively on living biostructures (mice, rats, and not only them). In fact, every cell in the body is controlled by the Brain and this control system is unknown to modern medical science. The structure of the living cell itself is also unknown. Research under the microscope is not about a living structure because it is no longer connected to the control system, so all recommendations apply only to dead structures.


When applied to humans, a living cell has gravitational frequencies, magnetic pulses, and electrical potentials. A Brain Cell is an ELECTRO-MAGNETO-GRAVITATIONAL GENERATOR, and the Brain as a whole autonomously maintains the balance of energy (albedo) of the entire Human body, creating optimal conditions for each living cell. These conditions ensure the harmonious activity of the entire body as a unified system.

Normal functioning of the brain takes place under the following external parameters: atmospheric pressure-760 mm Hg, humidity-45 %, temperature-23.5 degrees Celsius, and the number of gases in the atmosphere corresponds to the norm of the life support system (both the actual brain cells and the external system). Changing any parameters entails changing the albedo of the Brain. Unfortunately (or not), the BRAIN is NOT a PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINE, it wears out and requires periodic "repair," especially in modern conditions of "civilized" development of the human society. And with the "repair" of the Brain and the accompanying lack of appropriate external potentials, the activity of the immune system, or defense system, sharply decreases.

The lifespan of the Brain today is limited by the program ("karma"), and the norm of human lifespan for the Earth is (at a sliding angle of 38.48 degrees) 124 years. Other sliding angles change this time. However, the term of 124 years was nearly unrealistic under the old Earth Control System. But in the conditions of restoration of the new System, this milestone becomes reachable, and theoretical calculations have already proved that the use of "SvetL" Programs can solve these issues quite successfully.

Feodor Shkrudnev

Alex Probb