To Live – Or Die


 The overwhelming thought that came to “Mind” while translating (into English) and reading 39-369 & 40-369 - Feodor has written what I have felt for most of my life.  In other words, I have questioned the “Meaning of Life” for my entire life, since I was a child.  Oh, I came to “Moveable Conclusions”, only to see them DISAPPEAR, as my “Mind” opened up to New and Better avenues of Comprehension.  I wanted the “Whole Truth” and yet, the PROCESSES I was using were FLAWED - the “Whole Truth” eluded me.  


 How correct you are, Feodor – “To understand means to embrace, to set boundaries.”  This led to my, and many others like me, LIMITED TRUTH.  No matter how sincere I was, nor how much time I dedicated to Truth, I continued to uncover greater and greater and greater Truth, that DISPELLED the EARLIER TRUTH I thought was profound, realizing it was simply a Stepping-Stone, with NO GUARANTEE of Life, nor “Further Development”.   

The article brought to memory - after I served in the Marine Corps, I was involved with groups who attempted to FIX the problems in our country, all to no avail.  What we managed to do was ISOLATE ourselves and ended up in an ADVERSARIAL POSITION to the GOVERNMENTAL SYSTEM we despised.  It took me years to realize, we were still OPERATING WITHIN the very SYSTEM THAT PRESENTED THE PROBLEM.  It was a CATCH-22, as long as we were UNABLE to see “Beyond/Outside” the OLD PROCESS.  Even though we were creating “New Neural-Pathways”, they were still within the CONFINES of a SYSTEM that was fully entrenched in the SLAVE PROGRAM. 

When the fullness of the IMPACT hit my “Mind” – “New Neural-Pathways” are nearly always formed in the OLD SYSTEM (that which I understood then) – I began to push harder and harder into “Understanding” what constituted “NON-PROGRAM Neural-Pathways”, the Rooms, Roads of our “Mind”.  This journey eventually led me to the New Knowledge and a Greater Truth – “Truth Is Always Evolving”

Most of us, those that seek Truth, fail to understand the CEILING was set.  In other words, we are LIMITED in our ability to “Transcend” the OLD PROGRAM.  Therefore, we spend the entirety of our lives in the attempt at finding “The Answers To Life”, never once realizing we are SPIRITUALLY ASCENDING PAWNS (LIMITED by the CEILING).  Yet, for those “Diligent-In-Their-Quest”, they ultimately “See The Light”

I know there are very few folks capable of “Advanced Planning”, which requires the ability to “See into a Future World”, one UNLIKE the current OLD and DYING SYSTEM.  Yet, this is what we must do.  Short of this, we DIE.  DEATH, most assuredly awaits us, the OLD SYSTEM GUARANTEES IT.  And, until we “Discover” that “Truth - Truth Is Ever Changing”, we will be FOREVER “BOUND TO DEATH”.  It is the OLD SYSTEM’S “INSURANCE PROGRAM”.

I am thinking there are a few people who will read 39 & 40 and have a “Mental Recognition” of what is necessarily required “Today”, for a Future/Life.  The "NON-PERFORMER" in the DARKNESS/WOMB, well, he will continue drinking, eating, relieving himself, sleeping - in an ENDLESS CYCLE OF STUPIDITY

To “Seek Life”, as opposed to DEATH, one must first realize this Truth - “Individually” – where we “See” ourselves “Eternally Living” and in achieving this we become “Co-Visionaries”, helping to create a World where others, like us, “Seek Life”.  It is only after we, as an individual, realize we have SOUGHT DEATH our entire LIFE and now Seek Life, that we can truly participate with others in the “Life Process”, and start actively “Planning”

We must seek Like-Minded Folk.  Those with the ability and desire to “Live”, rather than DIE.  We must “Reach Out” to those we are nudged to speak with.  Few will accept our words.  For example, I have had numerous conversations over the last six or so months, all of which revolved around commitment to the New Knowledge, which I feel has a prerequisite – “Understanding There Is Nothing More Important”.  I fully hold there is Nothing of Greater Value than the New Knowledge and the furtherance of this Truth, knowing it “Evolves” as we move further into it, the impetus of movement.  No matter how many folks I share this with, no matter how sincere I am, few listen and it is those few we want.  It can truly be no other way. 

The message in the articles 39-369 & 40-369 will only be revealed to those capable of understanding - Truth is Relative.  Those who are True Seekers have experienced this phenomenon, our Sacred Truth today, is often tomorrow's DISCARDED GOLDEN CALF.  Your statement – “Only foolish people say that if I have changed my views once, I have no faith”, are the words of the MASS and their LEADERS, the “NON-PERFORMERS”. The very “Idea” of “Change” is a “Requisite Process”, one that reveals the “Developing Mind”, as opposed to the “STAGNANT MIND”, where development ceased when HE REALIZED (FOOLED HIMSELF) HE HAD DISCOVERED ULTIMATE TRUTH – THERE CAN BE NO MORE DISCOVERY.   

I, as well as many others, came to this Earth seeking Truth, I have known this my whole life.  Yet, I discovered one Truth after another, DISCARDING some and Incorporating others - along the way.  The New Knowledge “Requires” movement – a “Precondition” to “Upward Mental Mobility”, in other words evolving the “Mind”, i.e., working in Higher Octave Ranges - and then the question comes - what does that mean? How do I do that?  And, in the answers to these questions we realize – We NEVER Stop Evolving”, “Change Is Inevitably a Manifestation of Truth

I know I have fallen short in my attempt to express the “Mental Images” that appeared after reading these two articles.  To say it is profound, sounds foolish.  I read the “Process” in the written words - this Process “Necessitates” we “See Life” - for ourselves and humanity.  This excludes even the vision of EXTENDED LIFE, i.e., 125 years, 150 years, 200 years, etc.  In my opinion, we must have a Vision and Plan that only manifests as Unlimited Life.  We must understand Processes to do this and realize those Processes must be in “Constant Upward Evolution”, manifesting in “Ever-Evolving-Plans”.  And, we are all at different levels, and must “Realize” we, “Individually”, advance ourselves, a “Singular Unit of a Multi-Unit”.  For those with a tendency to become DISHEARTENED because they are NOT at the level of Levashov, Khatybov, Shkrudnev, Makov and may NOT understand everything these folks have written, “March ON”, for that thinking INHIBITS the “Upward Movement”, we are ourselves and if we are “Moving Upward” in search of Greater Truth, willing to THROW OUT ALL SACRED COWS, we are working towards Life, NOT DEATH.  

Drehne Pearce

27 December, 2022



Alex Probb