
The Final Appeal to Mankind

Preface by Barbara G. Koopman, M.D., PhD.


Nowadays, we are flooded with New Age books telling us how to meditate, visualize, be “mindful” or eat right. It is a clear sign to me that both religion and modern science have sorely failed us. At the same time, we are besieged with data from the information revolution, yet find ourselves thrust deeper and deeper into ignorance and darkness. The more we access, the less rationally we function.

Among this plethora, Nicolai Levashov’s book stands out as unique and unprecedented in the history of the planet. It lights a way into the darkness and unfolds a scientifically-based, multidimensional reality that jolts us out of our frozen, linear, all-or-nothing binary thinking. It stretches our grey cells, but richly rewards us if we permit ourselves to receive and assimilate what it has to offer. It will destroy a host of paradigms for us—many from modern physics—and will invite us to follow step by step the development of a world-view far different from the myths fed into our circuits through ignorance or malice.

So this is a demanding book-replete with mathematical formulas and magnificent illustrations—transmitting information of thrilling, soul-shaking proportions. One needs to navigate carefully and scientifically as this new world-view unfolds—from the birth of planet Earth to the evolution of the soul and the meaning of human destiny.

You will not find this information in your computers—nor anywhere else.

The present volume, the first of a series, shows us how the same cosmic processes govern such seemingly disparate events as survival after death, the flight of migratory birds, reincarnation and the disintegration of an atom. The author brings to bear his encyclopedic knowledge of a multitude of fields—biology, physiology, medicine, genetics, physics, astrology, etc., to transcend by light-years the science of today. The intent is to give the reader an overview of fundamental cosmological issues about man and the universe. The book is, in a sense, a skeleton which will be fleshed out in subsequent works, but still provides the reader with the “bare bones” knowledge upon which to build.

It also contains an extraterrestrial document delivered by a renowned 1929 Nobel Prize nominee of impeccable integrity—Nicholas Roerich, a great Russian artist, scientist, archeologist and educator—whose works are still on view at the New York museum that bears his name. The first chapter introduces us to the genesis of planet Earth and its six spheres — and to the recurrent theme of how a critical range of numerical values determines creation or destruction. Examples abound in our everyday life — critical ranges for our blood pressure, body temperature, blood pH, etc., outside of which we could not survive. We shall see this shown in many ways in the whole fabric of creation — how existence or non-existence turns on a narrow spectrum of values: for example, in the emergence of life from the non-living (chapter 2); the formation of a functioning bee colony (chapter 3); the emergence of intelligence (chapter 6) and the soul’s odyssey toward higher and higher planes of consciousness (chapter 6). And these are but some of the fundamental issues for which modern science — dead-ended and bankrupt — can offer us no answers.

A word about Nicolai, the man.

Personality-wise, he is free of ego and full of kindness, affability, ebullience and humor. And he totally shuns any attempt to turn him into a guru, despite his awesome knowledge and power. My personal association with Nicolai is now going on a year and a half. With a professional background in science and the humanities, I feel strategically placed to grasp some of the momentous implications of his work on this planet.

As I attend occasional seminars or observe his work on subjects, I am struck by the incredible sophistication of his technology. He is no mystic, but navigates with ease in multidimensional realms of consciousness far beyond our wildest dreams — those of us who would follow must constantly shift our paradigms and concepts of reality. His science of today is so far advanced as to put quantum theory on a par with the abacus! The present volume is eloquent testimony to this. For those who dare to traverse these realms it is a voyage of discovery that could bring unparalleled enlightenment to the world and advance man’s evolution by countless millennia.

Barbara G. Koopman, M.D., PhD.

Diplomate, American Board of Psychiatry
and Neurology, former attending staff member
Mount Sinai Hospital, New York City

© Nicolai Levashov 1994, II Publishing 2000, San Francisco
